Self Managed Superannuation can be an efficient pathway to retirement and what you invest in determines the performance of your superannuation. Superannuation will be one of your most significant assets for retirement. Your super performance relies on getting the right advice for your situation.
We provide expert self-managed superannuation advice. Although we are based in Adelaide, we support our clients Australia-wide. We help you choose the most appropriate self-managed superannuation option for your individual needs. We believe that retirement should be a time to sit back and enjoy the life you have worked so hard for, not to worry whether your money will last as long as you need it to.
Whether starting your new career, transitioning to retirement, or already retiring, we help you develop a strategy that suits your circumstances and maximises your benefits. Having an advisor provides you with proactive advice on the strategic opportunities for you as you move through the various stages of your life.
Don’t wait until you retire to discover you haven’t done enough! The performance of your self-managed super fund (SMSF) will be the reason you retire comfortably or heavily rely on the Age Pension to determine your standard of living in retirement. Your involvement in your SMSF management today will determine the quality of your life and your future, which is why it is essential to invest in SMSF advice to ensure you live the life you want, not the life you can afford.
We base our recommendations on extensive knowledge of superannuation regulations and a firm foundation of quality research. We operate under an independently owned Licensee enabling us to offer a wide range of super and retirement solutions plus associated investment options. We offer specialist advice and solutions in direct investments such as shares, Exchange Traded Funds (EFTs), direct property and Listed Investment Companies (LICs) inside of superannuation, providing you with greater diversification and control over your nest egg.
What are self-managed superannuation funds, and are they for you?
Self-managed superannuation funds simply means do-it-yourself super. SMSF allows you to control where your super is invested, and has become a popular approach to retirement saving. A self-managed super fund is essentially a trust where your assets or funds are held and managed on your behalf to provide future retirement benefits.
The team at DMA Financial Services are Self Managed Superannuation fund specialists and can analyse your circumstances to decide whether self-managed superannuation is the right financial solution for you. We support you in implementing and starting up your self-managed superannuation, SMSF administration. We also provide you with ongoing management to optimise your outcomes and enjoy the lifestyle you have worked hard for and earned.
Self-managed superannuation fund offers you flexibility and autonomy over your funds. You become the trustee of your superannuation and make the financial decisions on your funds’ investment solutions and the assets held within your fund.
DMA Financial Services can support your journey to self-managed superannuation and provide you with our expertise on self-managed super funds. This approach offers an alternative road to retirement. We aim to remove the stress and allow you to control your own funds leading you to the financial future you have earned.
So, How Can DMA Financial Services Support You With Your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund?
Let’s explore some common questions we address with clients on SMSF advice. We repeatedly hear these concerns and provide financial solutions to address the issues at hand.
Common questions;
- How much should I contribute to my self managed superannuation?
- What investment options do I have?
- Should my super include my insurance, and how much insurance should I have?
- Should I be considering transition to retirement strategies?
- Should my asset allocation be reassessed as I get closer to retirement?
- Am I on track to retire when I want to?
- When I retire, how can I access secure tax-effective income to protect my standard of living?
These are just some of the common concerns voiced to our advisers. At DMA Financial Services, our financial specialists are up to date with the ever-changing superannuation rules, and can provide expertise to answer these, and all your questions and concerns